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Various Learning Paths to achieve success

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Educita Course Guide

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Learn The Essential Skills

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Certificates And Degrees

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Build Up Career in life

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Master at Different Areas

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One of the most crucial and defining factor concerning the competency of a pre school campus is its Infrastructure. This is simply because the layout of the pre school construction and the various facilities that it provides invariably decides the effectiveness of its curriculum.

We have structured our classrooms and outdoor spaces in such a manner that there is ample space to provide safe and free movement for the children.
We have ensured that our classrooms design sticks to the idea of smaller student/teacher ratios and are well-lit with both natural and artificial light and are well-ventilated.
Seating arrangement has been designed in such a manner that it is conducive for child to be seated with a good posture and the teachers can maintain a constant vigil in the classrooms.
The outdoor space is secured as any outside interference is discouraged and any supposed or apparent source of possible injury is removed, making the campus safe.

SHEALING KIDS focuses on each child in relation to others and seeks to activate and support children’s reciprocal relationships with other children, family, teachers, society, and the environment.

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